~~ recommended by collectivist action ~~
If the workers of the world want to win, all they have to do is recognize their own solidarity. They have nothing to do but fold their arms and the world will stop. The workers are more powerful with their hands in their pockets than all the property of the capitalists. --Joe Ettor (IWW labor organizer) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IASdERt3-m0
~~ recommended by collectivist action ~~
~~ recommended by collectivist action ~~
1). “Ukraine War, China and the Decline of US Hegemony Under Biden”, Feb 23, 2023, Rania Kalek interviews Historian Daniel Bessner, duration of video 1:03:42, Dispatches, BreakThrough News, at < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrD5HoRH8PY > Note: This is an interview on Youtube, there is no text, no transcript.
1). “Brian Berletic DESTROYS NATO Propaganda on Ukraine War One Year Later”, Feb 24, 2023, Danny Haiphong interviews The New Atlas’ geopolitical analyst Brian Berletic, duration of video 21:40, The Left Lens with Danny Haiphong, at < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2HbmvZqNxM >
~~ recommended by emil karpo ~~
~~ recommended by collectivist action ~~
~~ collaboration between fuster and newestbeginning ~~
“The Proxy War in Ukraine Must End”, Feb 23, 2023, David Van Deusen, CounterPunch, at < https://www.counterpunch.org/
~~ recommended by dmorista ~~
~~ recommended by collectivist action ~~
“365 Days of Ukraine War: US Doubles Down, While Global South Realigns”, Feb 22, 2023, Brian Becker & Walter Smolarek, The Socialist Program from BreakThrough News, youtube, duration of video 49:59, no text or transcript, at < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YXzIQhsv24 >
NOTE: This is a youtube Video there is no transcript available
NOTE: This is a youtube Video there is no transcript available
~~ recommended by collectivist action ~~
“Russia has DEFEATED NATO Sanctions Thanks to De-Dollarization w/ Garland Nixon”, Feb 19, 2023, The Left Lens with Danny Haiphong, Interview of Garland Nixon, by Danny Haiphong, discussing events in Ukraine, Europe, the U.S. and the Global South, duration of interview 29:05, at < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1a7wgtahJZE >. Note: This is a video presentation of a discussion there is no transcript nor any text.
“Hope strategy at Munich Security Conference, The Duran Podcast”, Feb 17, 2023, Alexander Mercouris & Alex Christoforou, The Duran Podcast, Apple Podcasts, at <https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hope-strategy-at-munich-security-conference/id1442883993?i=1000600259315>. Note: This is a video presentation of a discussion there is no transcript nor any text.
Iran-China Strategic Partnership: The Big Picture, Feb 18, 2023, Pepe Escobar, Dissident Voice, at < https://dissidentvoice.org/2023/02/iran-china-strategic-partnership/ >
~~ recommended by dmorista ~~
~~ recommended by collectivist action ~~
“Abortion could be prosecuted as criminal homicide under bill filed by Kentucky lawmaker”, Feb 16, 2023, Ryan C. Hermens, Murray Ledger and Times, at <https://www.murrayledger.com/news/abortion-could-be-prosecuted-as-criminal-homicide-under-bill-filed-by-kentucky-lawmaker/article_e1b0beee-adaf-11ed-a15f-6384064b23ca.html>
~~ recommended by collectivist action ~~
~~ recommended by emil karpo ~~
1). “How Other Nations Pay for Child Care. The U.S. Is an Outlier.”, October 6, 2021, Claire Cain Miller, New York Times, at
< https://portside.org/2021-10-11/how-other-nations-pay-child-care-us-outlier >
~~ collaboration between fuster and newestbeginning ~~
~~ recommended by collectivist action ~~
1). “Blinken concedes war is lost-offers Kremlin Ukrainian demilitarization; Crimea, Donbas, Zaporozhye; and restriction of new tanks to Western Ukraine if there is no Russian offensive”, Feb 06, 2023, John Helmer, MROnline(dot)org, at <https://mronline.org/2023/02/06/blinken-concedes-war-is-lost-offers-kremlin-ukrainian-demilitarization-crimea-donbas-zaporozhye-and-restriction-of-new-tanks-to-western-ukraine-if-there-is-no-russian-offensive/>: Originally published: Jan 25, 2023, John Helmer, Dances with Bears, at <http://johnhelmer.net/blinken-concedes-war-is-lost-offers-kremlin-ukrainian-demilitarization-crimea-donbass-zaporozhe-and-restriction-of-new-tanks-to-western-ukraine-if-there-is-no-russian-offensive/>
2). “Breaking Russia? More like breaking ourselves: America’s days as the primary player in Europe will close fast without a radical policy shift on Ukraine”, February 11, 2023, Brandon J Weichert, Asia Times, at < https://asiatimes.com/2023/02/breaking-russia-more-like-breaking-ourselves/ >
~~ recommended by newestbeginning ~~
~~ recommended by emil karpo ~~
~~ recommended by collectivist action ~~
They’ll tell you it was abortion. Sorry, the historical record’s clear: It was segregation.
~~ recommended by emil karpo ~~
“Nord Stream BOMBSHELL and Ukraine at One Year w/ The Duran!”, Feb 9, 2023, Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris of The Duran return to the program to discuss their impressions and analysis of the last year of Russia's military operation in Ukraine, duration of discussion 1:55:34, The Left Lens with Danny Haiphong, at < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQLaW8430HQ >
~~ recommended by emil karpo ~~
~~ recommended by newestbeginning ~~
NATO’s Fascist Inheritance & the Long War On the Third World, w/ Pawel Wargan, Feb 8, 2023, Rania Khalek Dispatches, BreakThrough News, Interview of Pawel Wargan by Rania Khalek, duration of video 1:16:43, at < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9PZyz5uduw >
Lots of Backarach's music was played on the radio station my parents listened to growing up so there are many fond memories associated with it. He died from natural causes at 94. RIP
~~ recommended by newestbeginning ~~