Thursday, December 26, 2024

Trump Threatens To Invade Foreign Nations—Media Whitewashes His Fascism ~~ Qasim Rashid, Esq. Dec 24

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A reminder that legacy media is either wholly unprepared or shamefully complicit in the upcoming fascist administration


Donald Trump has gone into overdrive in his threats to invade sovereign nations. And rather than call out his extremism, corporate media is either complicit or downplaying the threat. It is critical we understand that Trump is not joking, but rather moving the Overton window to normalize the idea of the United States expanding its territory. We cannot allow these extremist ideas to become normalized, and must call them out for what they are. Let’s Address This.

Trump To Invade US Ally? Incoming Prez Threatens To Reclaim Control Of  Panama Canal Built By America
Photo Credit: HT

In the last few weeks Trump has referred to Canada as the 51st state and its Prime Minister as "Governor.” He has discussed a "soft invasion" into Mexico by deploying the United States military. He has again revived the idea of buying Greenland, as if it is for sale. And Trump is now discussing taking over Panama to gain control of the Panama Canal. These are not jokes made at a bar by a random drunkard. These are the rantings of an aspiring autocrat and should be taken seriously—because he isn't joking.

Unfortunately, corporate media is once again failing to call out this fascism for what it is—which is one reason I am compelled to write this piece. Fox News describes Trump’s fascist rhetoric as “tough talk.” If anything this reminds me of how media bought Trump’s admission of sexually assaulting women as “locker room talk.” This framing was a failure then, and it is a failure now.

The billionaire owned Washington Post simply restated Trump’s framing on buying Greenland, and whitewashed Trump’s threat to annex Canada as “eyeing” Canada. It should be a major cause for alarm that Trump is referring to our closest neighbor, and the largest non-militarized border in the world, as an opportunity to annex Canada. Instead of calling out this dangerous rhetoric—one that calls for violence and could undermine safety and economic security for hundreds of millions of people—the Washington Post describes Trump’s intentions for Canada as one might refer to purchasing a new car.

MSNBC didn’t do much better by framing it as a Trump “suggestion.” Again, words matter. You suggest a different route to get to a venue. You suggest a different tie to wear with that shirt, or different shoes with that dress. One does not simply suggest invading another sovereign nation—especially when the person making the “suggestion” controls the world’s most powerful military and nuclear arsenal.

Taking the cake is CNN, whose ratings by the way have dropped 52% since the election. CNN describes Trump’s fascist threat to conquer sovereign nations as “a teased expansion” and then doubles down by inexplicably comparing it to the Louisiana Purchase.

The trifecta of stupidity in CNN’s framing comes with their additional “if he’s serious” comment. Rather than condemning the fascist claims Trump is making, whether they’re ‘serious’ or not, CNN still seeks to give a man bent on advancing fascism the benefit of the doubt. Unsurprising from a network that refused to fact check Trump during the presidential debate last Spring.

Finally, keep in mind that Trump’s rhetoric to invade other nations mimics the behavior of Putin as he invades Ukraine, and Netanyahu as he annexes parts of Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine. The precedent Trump sets with this rhetoric threatens to undermine global stability. It diminishes our ability as a nation to hold other powerful nations accountable if and when they break international law. Corporate media must understand that by whitewashing Trump’s rhetoric, they not only undermine American democracy, they also undermine global security.


Trump’s suggestions to take over Canada, Mexico, Panama, Greenland, and who knows what else, are not jokes. They are not suggestions. They are not teases. They are market tested ideas to move the Overton window to the fascist right, and normalize this extremist ideology. They threaten global safety and unity. Media should be at the forefront as the fourth estate to call out, condemn, and reject these ideas, and keep the public informed on just how dangerous this rhetoric actually is. Instead, the capitulation of corporate media in real time is a depressing indicator of how badly they will fail to hold the powerful accountable once the next Trump administration begins.

I launched Let’s Address This to hold the powerful accountable with factual analysis and insight, especially on human rights issues in which legacy media is failing. And I am hopeful to earn your trust and support so we can continue to analyze, create, and disseminate important pieces like this one to call out fascism where it exists, and demand accountability.

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