Monday, August 26, 2024

Project 2025 - A Couple of Excellent Synopses and Analyses

 1). “Project 2025: A Hellish Legal Vision For America ft. Liz Dye”, Aug 5, 2024, Analysis from Liz Dye from “”, LegalEagle, duration of video 30:13, at < >.

2). “How Project 2025 Targets Atheists (and Non-Religious Americans)”, Aug 13, 2024, Drew McCoy is joined bt Nick Fish, President of American Atheists, to discuss the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 and how it overlaps with the GOP’s Agenda 47 for a Trump presidency, Genetically Modified Skeptic, Duration of video 38:22, at < >.

~~ recommended by dmorista ~~

Introduction by dmorista: Project 2025's pdf file, that is freely available online, is a forbidding 900+ pages and its boring turgid text discourages most people from actually reading it. And it is only the material that the Heritage Foundation and its Trumpista writers are willing to make available to the entire internet using public. The more vicious and detailed material is included in the secret 180 day daily planning guide. These two videos offer some excellent sampling of pertinent material in the Project 2025 manual.

In Item 1)., “Project 2025: A Hellish ….”, Liz Dye, a hard-hitting and to-the-point commentator, discusses various aspects of the Project 2025 agenda. One issue is the supposed call to criminalize Pornography. Dye points out that the actual more than $1 Billion dollar hard-core pornography industry will not be affected. But the real targets, teacher and librarians who guide children on what books to read including some of which might even mention gay people of trans people (now banned in several Red States), would be criminally prosecuted should another Extremist Trump Regime take power. The overall discussion of that issue runs for three minutes, from 24:38 – 27:38. This includes a section from 24:51 – 25:31 textual with mention of teachers and librarians; and from 26:41 that includes discussion of prosecuting teachers and librarians under the right's proposed Pornography campaign, this extends to 27:38.

In Item 2)., “How Project 2025 Targets Atheists ….”, from 5:28 – 6:40 Fish, the interviewee, discusses how the entire state budget in Arizona has been looted to provide taxpayer funded subsidies for wealthy families; who were already sending their children to private school, but who now are given state monies to do so. He notes that Arizona now faces a deficit of several billion dollars needed to fund this program to subsidize well-off people by cutting funds for food for the hungry, housing assistance among other programs, in addition to looting public school funding. And this is a program that was roundly rejected by the populace of Arizona in public referenda voting, but was sneakily pushed through the heavily gerrymandered Rethug controlled state legislature. The article cites not just Project 2025, but also Trump's own Agenda 47 and the Republican National Party Platform for quotes and statements.



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