Saturday, August 10, 2024

Chris Hedges and Jeffrey Sachs, in Separate Interviews, Discuss the End of American Empire: and Hedges Looks at how a Harris Administration or a Trump Regime Would Operate After the Next Presidential Election.

Is this the end of the American Empire? | Chris Hedges | Real Talk”, Aug 5, 2024, Mohamed Hashem conducts a wide-ranging interview with Chris Hedges, Real Talk at Middle East Eye, duration of video 1:01:28, at < >.

Jeffrey Sachs Interviews - What is About to Happen is Difficult to Prevent”, Aug 9, 2024, Jeffrey Sachs discusses the foibles and arrogance of U.S. Foreign Policy, Jeffrey Sachs of Fans, duration of video 27:56, at < >

~~ recommended by dmorista ~~

Introduction by dmorista: Chris Hedges takes a wide-ranging look at the socieoeconomic conditions in the U.S. and the endless wars that the U.S. ruling class wages utilizing the U.S. Dollar's reserve currency status to run these ruinous wars on credit. Hedges does not think that the main trajectory of the U.S. Empire will change, regardless of which duopoly candidate wins. He does state that the deindustrialization of the U.S. that began in earnest with NAFTA has now become so severe that the future of the U.S. Empire will not last too long. He also briefly discusses some of the issues he addressed in his 2007 book, American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America. A Harvard Divinity School graduate and biblical scholar; Hedges minces no words saying that the American Religious Right wants to impose a deadly Theocratic Regime that would protect the rich and exact horrific outrages on the general population, all in the name of God and Piety of course. A Trump Regime would begin a harsh Theocratic Regime that the Capitalists would adapt to, while a Harris win would mean a continuation of the Status Quo that, while preferable for those of us who live here, would continue to spiral down towards the end of U.S. Empire.  Hedges also points out that time grows short to change how modern civilizations extract resources and generate energy if we are to avoid an unescapable world-wide environmental catastrophe.

Jeff Sachs discusses the fact that the U.S. ruling class has not yet come to grips with the fact the era of U.S. dominance in world affairs is over. And that the ongoing war in Ukraine is a disaster and the U.S. should lead NATO in a pull back from the borders of Russia. Also he notes that U.S. threats against China and a prospective war with China over Taiwan is a fool's errand.

The end of U.S. Hegemony is clearly upon us. I would argue that, much like the period from WW I to the end of WW 2, the lasts 20 or so years have been a period of Co-Hegmony in which the current hegemon engages in a delicate and complex dance with the rising hegemon as the status quo power slowly gives up operations it can no longer afford and the rising hegemon fills the void.



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