Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Wolff Responds: Can Kamala Harris Respond To These 4 Pillars Of The American Decline July 24, 2024


and companion piece I did not have at time of publication earlier today - sorry for the late adjustment.


~~ recommended by collectivist action ~~

Abandon Kamala: Why Gaza Could Cost 

With Biden out and Kamala Harris in, many were hopeful this could mean an end to US support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza. But “thisis is deeply wishful thinking,” says Briahna Joy Gray, host of the Bad Faith podcast. “Kamala is the same policy in a different package.” As the Democratic party embraces increasingly anti-labor policies and aligns with AIPAC and other right-wing interest groups, they have become virtually indistinguishable from the Republicans — save for their cynical use of identity politics. Gray explains why this is a losing strategy.

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