Friday, July 19, 2024

Some Leftist Analyses of the Context and Consequences of the Trump Shooting Incident:

1). “The Trump Shooting and the Crisis of U.S. Capitalism”, Jul 17, 2024, Brian Becker & Eugene Puryear, The Socialist Program, (BreakThrough News), duration of video 1:03:40, at < >

2). “The Trump Assassination Attempt & the Legacy of Political Violence in the US”, Jul 17, 2024, Rachel Hu & Chris Garaffa discuss the situation with Brian Becker, duration of audio 27:55, Covert Action Bulletin, (on Apple Podcasts among others), at < >.

3). “The Stars are Aligning for Trump47 and Republifascist Consolidation: & Some Thoughts on How to Think About and Respond to the Situation”, Jul 17, 2024, Paul Street, The Paul Street Report, duration of audio 21:41, at < >

~~ recommended by dmorista ~~

Introductionby dmorista: The specific circumstances of the “assassination attempt” on Donald Trump have been questioned by “security experts”, (and I will present a discussion of a couple of variants of that type and level of reasoning in the near future); but the video and audio dicussions here look at the deeper GeoPolitical and GeoEconomic factors.

In Item 1).,“The Trump Shooting ….”, Brian Becker and Eugene Puryear conduct a wide ranging discussion that puts the Presidential Election, and the generalized socieoeconomic and politcal struggle going on in the U.S., into a global context. They see the differences between the Democratic and Republican Parties as somewhere between trivial and non-existent. (I personally have repeatedly characterized the Democratic Party as being a Center-Right to Far-Right party and the Republicans as being an Extreme-Right to Fascist party). Neither of them seems to be much concerned that a win by the Trump-Vance, over whomever the Democratic Party ends up putting forth, as being significant. Maybe if they were women of child-bearing age living in some Dark Ages Red State, or if they were former students hoping for debt relief from the Department of Education, or if they were older and worrying about the attacks on Medicare and Social Security, they might change that view somewhat; but in the main they are correct.

They discussed the horrific war against the nearly defenseless Palestinians, and the role of Joe Biden in enabling and assisting the Israeli's in that effort, at some length. And they also dispelled the pervasive climate of doom and gloom being promoted by some of the Liberals and pointed out that elections in Colombia, Brazil, and France had all put flawed but still the better and more left-wing of the available parties and coalitions into power.

Item 2)., “The Trump Assassination Attempt ….”, mostly ranges around the same set of domestic issues, but without as much discussion of the international context.

In Item 3)., “The Stars are Aligning for Trump47 ….” Paul Street continues with his generally pessimistic analysis of the situation we are facing, and the dauntingly unfavorable options we face. Gloomy but, as always, full of perceptive comments and analysis.

I want to point out what seems to be the ever present theme in these expositions.  That theme is that the U.S. Ruling Class wants to remain the preeminent Capitalist Power by: a). throwing its military weight around, b). squeezing the poor, working class and middle class Americans even tighter, c). subsidizing certain key technologies, and d). recruiting foreign-born science and technological workers to bolster the ranks of those types of workers already in the U.S., while keeping their wages under control. This is, at best, a dangerous and risky methodology, but as Becker and Puryear pointed out the American Capitalists have painted themselves into a corner, they grew rich in part by gutting the U.S. industrial, scientific, and technological capabilities. But now they have to contend with a generally unfavorable world socieoeconomic and political milieu. And they face time crunches, both internally where the portion of the population that supports them is shrinking, and on the global stage where the U.S. has become very much a secondary power in actual production and development of new technologies. Actually, many Chinese Scientists who had been living in the U.S. are now returning to China where they now think their personal and professional prospects are better.



Please go to the following link to listen to the podcast:


The Stars are Aligning for Trump47 and Republifascist Consolidation

& Some Thoughts on How to Think About and Respond to the Situation

Please click on this link to listen to the Street podcast:

The Revcom analysis I recommend and paraphrased from:

The Revcom analysis I recommend and paraphrased from:

Mistake I just caught in this rather informal talk: I /audio: I think Vance and Stefanik went over to the Trump/Trumpism-fascism before the 2020 election; my comments suggest otherwise.

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