Monday, July 15, 2024

Danny Haiphong's Comments about the Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump: and Rethugs Comment on the Event and What They Think it Signifies.

TRUMP SURVIVES ATTEMPT ON LIFE | SCOTT RITTER REVEALS UKRAINE'S DOOM, NATO IN PANIC”, Jul 14, 2024, Danny Haiphong, Danny Haiphong, total duration of video 2:20:03, Assassination analysis ends at about 1:15:00, at < >.

Republicans Try to Blame Democrats, the Media, CRT for Shooting”, Jul 14, 2024, Peter Wade, Rolling Stone, includes 6 embedded Youtube Vidoes, at < >

~~ recommended by dmorista ~~

Introduction by dmorista: Danny Haiphong, who specializes in looking at the outrages committed by the U.S. Empire, overseas mostly, analyzes the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, that took place on Saturday, July 13. It is overall a pretty good discussion overall but is marred by Haiphong's faulty understanding of U.S. domestic politics. He claims there is little or no difference between Trump and Biden: with Trump functioning as an “outsider” who irritates some of the real ruling class of oligarchs and plutocrats. In foreign affairs that is true, but only to a limited degree, which Haiphong acknowledges. This discussion begins at the start of the video and continues through about 1:15:00.

Haiphong fails to even mention the ongoing domestic struggles of Abortion Rights and Reproductive Freedom activists; who have worked to get State Constitutional Amendments the ballot in several states, with several more such efforts pending after the signature lists have already been submitted. This has been accomplished despite constant and never-ending harassment and obfuscation by Republican state officials, in all of the Red States where these petition and amendment drives have taken place. This is a limited, but not a trivial aspect, of the ongoing political and socioeconomic struggles that rage in the U.S. And while there are not millions of American Women who will be killed by the harsh Forced-Pregnancy / Forced-Birth agenda in force in some 20 Red States, there will certainly be hundreds if not thousands. So far there is one documented death of a young American woman, in Texas not too surprisingly, but there have certainly already been something on the order of 50 or 100 that have occurred largely among poor and politically powerless and ignored women. Also there is no shortage of horrific stories of women bleeding out and nearly dying in their cars in hospital parking lots, or suffering through miscarriages alone without the benefit of any sort of competent medical assistance in their bathrooms in Dark Ages places like Texas and Alabama.

The Rolling Stone article discusses the responses of Republican Senators Ron Johnson and Lindsey Graham, and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson who all tried to blame the Democratic Party and figures for their statements that these Republicans claim has fostered a climate of violence, while not deigning to mention the endless Trumpian statements like: "We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections,". The article has 6 embedded Youtube Videos the first 5 of which are of the Senators Johnson, Graham, and Speaker Johnson. The 6th video is a truly bizzare 2022 Marjorie Taylor Greene video production, in which she uses an extremely powerful 50 Caliber rifle to fire at a Toyota Prius with a sign on its door that says “Socialism”. She claims in the video that this weapon is still legal but could be prohibited by the Congress (unfortunately that did not occur and I guess this powerful military weapon is still “street legal”).



Republicans Try to Blame Democrats, the Media, CRT for Shooting

"The greatest threat to our nation right now is that we are horribly divided. Why are we so divided? ... I would argue that's what identity politics is about. That's what critical race theory is about"
Republicans Try to Blame Democrats, the Media, CRT for Shooting
Republican Senator from Wisconsin Ron Johnson, December 16, 2020, on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. (Photo by JIM LO SCALZO/POOL/AFP via Getty Images) POOL/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

Not long after the attempt to assassinate former president Donald Trump, Republicans began to blame the Democrats; the media; diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts; and critical race theory as responsible for the shooting, even though law enforcement thus far has not shared information about the shooter’s motivations.

“The greatest threat to our nation right now is that we are horribly divided,” Republican Sen. Ron Johnson told Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday. “But again, in general, we share the same goals. Why are we so divided? Well, there are political figures, there are political groups. I would argue that’s what identity politics is about. That’s what critical race theory is about. So there are people who are purposely trying to divide us for political advantage. Resist. Don’t let them get away with it, and again, start talking to each other. That’s part of the problem.”

Twenty-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, a registered Republican who once gave $15 to a progressive anti-Trump political action committee, opened fire at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday. A Secret Service sniper shot and killed Crooks seconds after he began shooting. Trump was injured and seen bleeding from his right ear and later said he was “shot with a bullet.” One rally goer died and two others were injured in the shooting.

House Speaker Mike Johnson told The TODAY Show on Sunday that “there is no figure in American history at least in the modern era — maybe since Lincoln — who’s been so vilified and really persecuted by media and Hollywood elites, political figures, even the legal system.”

Johnson also said allegations that Trump poses “a threat to democracy” are untrue. Trump, who still refuses to commit to accepting the results of the upcoming presidential election, in December boasted that he wants to “be a dictator for one day” on his first day, should he return to the White House. “You know why I wanted to be a dictator? Because I want a wall, and I want to drill, drill, drill,” he told a crowd in New York City. Trump more than a month later claimed his dictator comments were “said in jest.”

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Republican Sen. J.D. Vance, who once opposed Trump before becoming one of his staunchest supporters and a finalist for the vice presidential nomination, wasted no time Saturday blaming Democrats. “The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs,” the Ohio senator wrote on X, formerly Twitter. “That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.”

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham claimed that the rhetoric against Trump “is way too hot.” During a Sunday appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press, he said, “You know, if he wins, democracy is not going to end. He’s not a fascist. He represents a point of view that millions share. The rhetoric is way too hot.”

When host Kristen Welker asked Graham about Vance’s comments as well as a tweet from Rep. Mike Collins claiming without evidence that “Biden sent the orders” to shoot Trump, Graham said, “There is frustration, on our side, about the way President Trump has been treated.”

Another GOP politician on Trump’s shortlist for VP, Sen. Tim Scott, on Saturday baselessly claimed that the “radical left” and the media “aided and abetted” in the shooting. “This was an assassination attempt aided and abetted by the radical Left and corporate media incessantly calling Trump a threat to democracy, fascists, or worse,” Scott wrote on X.

Conservative firebrand Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene in several tweets blamed the Democrats and “scumbags in the media.” Law enforcement has not shared what, if anything, they know about the shooter’s motives.

Biden Orders Independent Review of Rally Security in Wake of Trump Assassination Attempt

“The Democrats and the media are to blame for every drop of blood spilled today,” Greene wrote Saturday evening on X. “For years and years, they’ve demonized him and his supporters. Today, someone finally tried to take out the leader of our America First and the greatest President of all time.”

In a separate post, Greene accused Democrats and members of the media of being responsible for “the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump, death threats and attempts against me and other Republicans, and brain washing half the country with your sick violent rhetoric.”

Greene in 2021 appeared in a campaign video holding a 50-caliber rifle and promising to “blow away the Democrats’ socialist agenda.” She then fired the rifle at a Toyota Prius with a “socialism” sign on its side. Footage showed the vehicle exploding with the words, “Target destroyed” displayed on screen. The video promoted a giveaway of the rifle “for Americans only.”

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