Thursday, June 20, 2024

Understanding what is Going on Now Requires Some Historical Context: 9-11 and its Consequences for the U.S. and the World

 Christopher Bollyn The Dual-Deception of 9-11 and the Fraudulent War on Terror”, Chris Bollyn presents a comprehensive talk on 9-11 at the Open Mind Conference, Sep 17 – 18, 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark, posted at Cornuti Contenti Jun 29, 2023, duration of video 1:58:00, at < >.

~~ recommended by dmorista ~~

Introduction by dmorista: The history of the U.S., after WW 2, has been dominated by the actions of a set of cabals of various Capitalists and Imperialists. They have run an unending series of covert operations in which they murdered political leaders, both in the U.S. and in many other places in the world, and bombed over 40 countries, set up numerous Coups d'etat, invaded several other countries, and run a number of proxy wars.

Here, in the U.S., a major change took place in the early 1960s. Before WW 2 the U.S., not run by a bunch of choir boys, would build up large military forces, and arm them with the products of the country's powerful industries. But when the wars were over, from the Mexican War through to the Spanish American War and finally WW 1, the country quickly demobilized the troops and scrapped the weapons. After WW 2, however, the U.S. ruling class stepped up to the role of Global Hegemon and by 1947 had set up the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA the National Security Council and the National Security Agency (NSA). In cooperation with the British MI-6 the CIA began intervening in the political life of places like Greece, Italy, and France to prevent their respective Communist Parties from winning elections. Also harder nosed operations were run in places like the Philippines, Iran, and Guatemala. In Iran, in 1953, the CIA (acting as the junior partner and pupil of MI-6) the first major Coup d'etat was managed deposing the Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh; and in 1954 Jacobo Arbenz was ousted as President of Guatemala.

By 1963 these forces (bolstered and directed by the most important 6 or 7 power centers in U.S. society) were emboldened to run a major operation in the U.S. and they killed President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 in the streets of Dallas, Texas. This was followed by a series of other political killings and other measures to implement policies inimical to the rights and prosperity of the U.S. populace, and to pursue the endless disastrous colonial wars. While there were a large number of operations carried out over the decades the next major Covert Operations to rise to the importance of the JFK assassination were the extremely fishy events that occurred on September 11, 2001 in New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Bollyn discusses a significant part of the events on that fateful day, and also provides additional material on events that led up to and those that followed the actual day.

This is an excellent talk and is well worth watching and listening to, and more than once, as it is chock full of material. The information that Bollyn discusses is just as relevant as it was 8 years ago when he delivered this talk. Bollyn points out that 9-11 and the JFK Assassination were both Coups d'etat and those of us who live in the U.S. had best be aware of the ramifications of that.


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