Thursday, June 13, 2024

Scott Ritter Discusses Various Issues with Danny Haiphong

Scott Ritter: Putin's Dire Warning to NATO is NO BLUFF - 'Brace for War' ”, Jun 10, 2024, Danny Haiphong interviews Scott Ritter, Danny Haiphong, duration of entire video 1:54:57, at < >

~~ recommended by dmorista ~~

Introduction dmorista: This interview has wide ranging discussions. For the first 29 minutes Ritter talks about the incident where his passport was confiscated by armed agents claiming to be working for the State Department. He talks about the implications for free speech and his personal legal situation. Starting around 29 minutes into the interview Ritter talks about the military issues involved with the continuing war in Ukraine and the tactics that Russia will likely pursue. Lindsey Graham appears in a film clip around 52 minutes. Graham mentions that there are 12 Trillion Dollars worth of resources that he claimed Putin wants to give to Xi in China, no B.S. about freedom for Ukraine or anything like that, just a more realistic view of what is at stake.

Ritter also discusses the way the Russians view the facts that Ukraine is getting all kinds of support from the U.S. / NATO with storage and training areas in Poland, Germany, and other places in Europe. He points out that if the new weapons systems provided to Ukraine by the U.S. / NATO will allow for all kinds of attacks deep into Russia that the Russians will feel justified to attack air bases, warehouses, and training areas in places in Europe, not just in Ukraine. Finally at about 1 hour 13 minutes Ritter and Hariphong begin to discuss the ongoing war against the Palestinians in Israel.


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