Friday, May 24, 2024

The Story of Sleater-Kinney ~~ Music Friday for Class Strugglers

 ~~ recommended by emil karpo ~~



This is the story of acclaimed punk rock trio Sleater-Kinney - Carrie Brownstein, vocalist/guitarist Corin Tucker and drummer Janet Weiss - who formed in 1994 in Olympia, Washington, setting a new bar for punk’s political insight and emotional impact.

The band released seven albums culminating in The Woods in 2006 which led to them being hailed as America’s best rock band by Time Magazine. That same year they decided to go on indefinite hiatus.

A decade on, the trio are revered as true innovators; America's last truly great punk band, a group who never really got the success they deserved at the time. Carrie and Corrin tell the story of Sleater-Kinney, from their early days of the 90s Pacific Northwest Riot grrrl scene where their distinctive sound was born, to stadium gigs supporting Pearl Jam, their decision to stop in 2006 to pursue other outlets, and their hotly anticipated return with their first new album for ten years.


The programme features contributions from their long time producer, John Goodmanson, The Cribs, and Peter Buck from REM.

The Story of Sleater-Kinney is about a band who dared to rip up the rule book and stay true to their art and politics without compromise, a band who haven't been replicated or replaced, a band who inspired a generation.


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