Monday, October 16, 2023

PHILOSOPHICAL GROUNDINGS PART 4 ~~ collectivist action


                                                PART 4

By Collectivist Action

“Aside from the many environmental impacts, a host of other critical problems face humanity."

 Approximately one billion people are either routinely hungry or malnourished. Over one billion people across the world, mostly in rural areas, are forced to defecate in the open because they lack sanitation and toilets. Aside from the problems of human health and loss of dignity, the lack of toilets is particularly dangerous for women, who are left vulnerable to attack. Some 2.5 billion people - about ⅓ of the Earth’s population - have little or no sanitation. . .

Over 90% of those dying or displaced due to climate-related disasters are people from the Global  South” (8)

The  evidence of a devastating environmental crisis is overwhelming.

In addition to exploitation, expropriation and genocide, WE CHARGE THE GLOBAL CAPITALIST RULING CLASS WITH ECOCIDE!!!

For many of us, the verdict has already come in:

The ruling class is not only unable and unwilling to resolve the global social justice and class contradictions, it is also inherently unable and unwilling to mitigate the global environmental crisis.

As far as they’re concerned there’s no profit to be gained - and a whole lot of political power to be lost - by genuinely trying to do so.

Many of them are ‘banking’ on surviving all of it.

They will continue to promote their historic programs and policies of ‘smash & grab’, expropriate & exploit the people and resources of the Earth for as long as they can.

(Perhaps, most people, at any given time and space, won't give-a-fk about any of this.)

Nevertheless, for those of us who do care, we continue to raise the burning question: what is to be done?

What can be done and who can do it?

Of course, the global working class and poor have the greatest need, if not desire,  to mitigate the crisis; one that affects even those who do not have to sell their labor power to survive. . .

In his provocative and oft-overlooked theory of 'intercommunalism' (first introduced in 1971) Black Panther co-founder, and chief theoretician, Huey P. Newton,  described the world as a vast collection of communities - rather than nations -  ALL dominated by a small reactionary community of imperialist forces. This social contradiction can only be resolved,  according to Newton, by a global alliance of these much more numerous  communities.

I find this view to be not only relevant but highly useful IF we define COMMUNITY as not just  territorial-based.

Moreover, long before the advent of internet communication, there were communities based on everything from land to religious affiliation, family ties to scientific associations, historical oppressed and exploited communities  to benevolent societies and radical political formations; communities of color, class, culture and sex, etc.

Since the emergence of the telegraph,  and certainly and television, all of these communities across the world are able to communicate, and associate,  either personally or remotely, in real time.

Moreover, we have reached a point in human history where real relationships, and COMMUNITIES  can be created  through space and time,  which are:

  • NOT dependent  on close proximity

  • NOT BOUND and NOT BRED exclusively  within a 'sovereign' nation state, territory or municipality 

  • (as a result of the above)  changing more often than ever before and can be as permanent, or transitory, as we , and  technology allow it to be 

Imo, one of the strengths of Newton’s 'intercommunalism' theory is the invocation of the notion of communalism. A credible case can be made that many ancient communal societies represented the earliest forms,of communism.

As quiet as ruling classes have tried to keep it, some of those societies still exist.

Social transformation and, now,  survival itself, must not only begin by revisiting those societies, past & present, but also by creating new ones, utilizing the best ideas humans  have generated through our symbiotic union of nature and labor.


Can ideas, and a praxis*,  offered by a new global, RED 'nation' guide US to a  revolutionary way out of this impending catastrophe?

Afaics, it’s either that. . .or an escalating environmental crisis which leads to a 6th extinction. . .

"Our socialism is rooted in indigenous resistance, African slave rebellions and European labor history. . .and land where the cotton grew had to be cleared of Indigenous people and indigenous title,  to make way for the plantation economy, the main driving force behind the expansion of modern capitalism. . .

The United States, as a nation of European colonizers, had no feudal or communal past. Unlike other nations in history who transitioned from feudalism to capitalism, the United States was the first nation born entirely as a capitalist state. . .

Only through creating a revolutionary organization can we hope to facilitate decolonization on the path to socialism. No revolution in history ever came about spontaneously. . .The successful defeat of the oppressors always requires determined and effective organization. . .

We commit ourselves to the study and practice of revolutionary socialism by aligning ourselves with the long traditions of resistance which predates Marxism. . .

Marxism is a tool for making  liberation, first and foremost. . .

Communism is the great expression of love for the people and our nonhuman relatives."

From "Revolutionary Socialism is the Primary Political Ideology of the Red Nation" therednation org.



8. “Creating An Ecological Society’, by Fred Magdoff & Chris Williams, pg. 40

*Praxis is a process by which a theory, lesson, or skill is enacted, practiced, embodied or realised.

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