Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Evidence of Non-carceral Interventions that Reduce Crime ~~ Civil Rights Corps

Evidence of Non-Carceral Interventions that Reduce Crime

~~ recommended by newestbeginning ~~

Introduction by NB:

As usual, in the 2022 midterm elections, Republicans ran on fear mongering, claims that crime was increasing and the way to make people "safe" was to be "tough on crime"...  Of course there was no mention by the politicians of the real social crime of the transfer of social wealth to the tiny minority, nor the ways that that the minority ruling class manipulates and harms the society that they depend on for their wealth, nor how social conditions affect crime.  

Is draconian punishment of people, as promoted by Republicans and Democrats, the way to reduce crime?

Evidence summarized in the document linked, says that social investments in improving living conditions, educational opportunities, health and access to housing are effective in reducing property and violent crime.  

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