Thursday, September 8, 2022

Carbon emissions cost society at least three times more than the government's official estimate ~~ Agelbert

NB note - apologies to agelbert - I was unable to post the graphics which are integral to his presentation - and invite folks to visit his website above to see the way he intended this article to be viewed.

~~ written by agelbert ~~

September 2, 2022

Economic Damage Of Carbon Pollution 3.6x Greater Than Current Gov. Estimates — Study:

The costs of carbon pollution borne by society is far higher than the amount the government uses when calculating the costs and benefits of new regulations, a study in Nature finds. Each ton of CO2 pollution, according to the study, imposes $185 of damage — that's more than triple the amount currently used by the federal government. “The bottom line is that our results show that when you fully update the social cost of carbon methodology to the state of the science, it suggests that the existing estimates that are in use by the federal government are vastly underestimating the harm,” Kevin Rennert, a co-author of the paper and research fellow at Resources for the Future, told the Washington Post. Making policy based on a social cost of carbon 3.6 times greater than the current $51 estimate means the economic benefits of actions and policies to slash carbon pollution increase substantially. “It suggests there are many more actions we can take to ]curb carbon emissions that are going to be on the table that were not on the table before,” Stanford economist Marshall Burke, told the AP.   <a href=""><b>Grist</b></a>

AGelbert Note: The part unstated in the above reality based HYDROCARBON FUELS USE POLLUTION COST is the MENS REA of those (i.e. 😈🦕🦖🐍) who corrupted the US Government to low ball the environmental damage from THEIR PRODUCT so THEY could POCKET that 2/3 COST not counted
As anyone that can subtract, AND ADD, can clearly see, corrupting our government to give 🦖 Polluter Government Welfare Queens the "subsidy" SWAG we-the-people PAY for isn't enough for the Hydrocarbon Hellspawn; THEY want us to believe THEIR PRODUCT "is wonderful" so THEY can dodge ALL LIABILITY for the DAMAGE THEY DO 24/7.
All the evidence points to a carefully PRE-PLANNED, and subsequently methodically executed, CONSPIRACY to PROFIT from hydrocarbon FUELS CAUSED POLLUTION. That is the reason the legal term, "Mens rea", applies 100% here.
You need your head examined if you don't think the fossil fuelers "don't know" they can't profit from their products if the actual environment degrading, human health depleting, life span shortening damage hydrocarbon based fuels CAUSE becomes public knowledge. THEY KNEW THAT.
THAT'S WHY they have corrupted our government officials for at least 50 years, and throughout that time, funded MASSIVELY mendacious propaganda campaigns (SEE: "National Security requires Oil Subsidies", ""Fossil Fuels help the poor", " is concerned for the welfare of the people", Hydrocarbon Industry "loyal servants") to we-the-people, 24/7, about the "benefits to our standard of living" they "provide" for the specific Orwellian purpose of obscuring the COST we are subjected to so THEY can profit from our health depleting ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE. 

There is another legal term that applies here that you should remember every time a bought and paid for mouthpiece for the hydrocarbon industry pushes the BIG LIE that "they were only complying with public policy as laid down in the law":
"There is a nice legal concept called estoppel. If you argue that you didn't kill the Major in the library with the Ming vase because you were in bed with his wife, you are estopped from pleading self-defence. In the same way, polluters are estopped from arguing that they were only complying with public policy as laid down in the law, because 🦕🦖🐍 they spent tens of millions shaping those policies and laws to their advantage." James Wimberley